

Congratulatory message from
Mr. Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges,
CEO of the Hong Kong Jockey Club



The establishment of Hong Kong
Thoroughbred Breeders’ Alliance (HKTBA)

香港育馬者聯盟Hong Kong Thoroughbred Breeders’Alliance (HKTBA)於2023年6月5日成立, 並於 7 月 12 日舉行第一屆執委會就職典禮。

香港育馬者聯盟成立的主要目標為促進及加強香港賽馬會馬主對純種馬育馬方面的理解及認識。同 時,發展全球、國際及內地育馬者與世界各地不同育馬管理機構的關係,為全球純種馬育馬業界出一分力。

香港育馬者聯盟的首屆主席為香港賽馬會遴選會員吳嵩先生,其餘四位副主席包括香港賽馬會遴選 會員包大偉先生、朱明雅女士、馬博文先生和蕭劍新先生以及名譽秘書岑健龍先生,名譽法律顧問為陳 子遷先生,而名譽核數師則為廖健忠先生。

香港育馬者聯盟第一屆執委會就職典禮吸引不少國際及香港馬圈中人參加,出席者有澳洲著名牧場 史雲咸育馬場 Swettenham Stud 主理人及上世紀國際育馬者已故羅拔桑士達之子 Adam Sangster 先 生、香港賽馬會董事、練馬師、香港馬主協會理事會成員及其他馬主,場面熱鬧。雖然香港賽馬會行政 總裁應家柏先生因事未能出席典禮,他也特別錄製了祝賀影片。而其他來自不同地方的主要育馬業界人 物也特意送上賀詞恭賀香港育馬者聯盟的成立,包括中國馬主聯盟主席張月勝先生,Racing Australia 前 主 席 John Messara 先 生、ITM (Irish Thoroughbred Marketing)、GBRI (Great British Racing International),達德素 (Tattersalls)、神奇百萬 (Magic Millions) 及布里斯本賽馬會 (Brisbane Racing Club)。

中國馬主聯盟主席張月勝先生在賀詞中說:「尊敬的吳嵩先生您好,喜聞您獲任香港育馬者聯盟 (HKTBA) 首屆執行主席,在此我代表中國馬主聯盟 (CHOA) 向您表示衷心的祝賀,並請將我的祝賀轉 達給執行委員會的其他委員:David Boehm 先生,Nicola Chu 女士,Josiah Ma 先生,Martin Siu 先 生和 Ian Sham 先生。相信 HKTBA 會給香港育馬業甚至整個中國純血馬業發展起到非常積極的推動作用,期待未來 中國馬主聯盟能與貴方多方互動。」

澳洲頂尖牧場阿羅非爾德育馬場 Arrowfield Stud 主理人及 Racing Australia 前主席 John Messara 先生在賀詞中說:「祝賀香港育馬者聯盟的成立。聯盟將為香港育馬者和其他對育馬感到興 趣的人提供一個平台,讓各界人士可以一起豐富育馬知識及建立友誼。聯盟成員亦可到訪世界各地不 同地方的育馬場,包括澳洲。我的牧場阿羅非爾德育馬場 Arrowfield Stud 很歡迎未來聯盟成員前來參觀。」

如有任何查詢,歡迎電郵至 或瀏覽香港育馬者聯盟網頁

The Hong Kong Thoroughbred Breeders’ Alliance (HKTBA) was officially established on June 5th, 2023, and the inauguration ceremony of the first executive committee was held on July 12th.

The main goal of HKTBA is to promote and strengthen the understanding and knowledge of thoroughbred breeding among Hong Kong Jockey Club horse owners. At the same time, it aims to develop relations between global, international, and mainland breeders and different breeding management organizations around the world and to make contribution to the global thoroughbred breeding industry.

The first chairman of HKTBA is Mr. Apollo Ng, a Voting Member of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. The other four vice-chairpersons include Mr. David Boehm, who is also a Voting Member of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Ms. Nicola Chu, Mr. Josiah Ma, and Mr. Martin Siu. Honorary Secretary is Mr. Ian Sham, Honorary Legal Advisor is Mr. TC Chan and Honorary Auditor is Mr. Jason Liu.

The inauguration ceremony of the first executive committee of HKTBA attracted many international and Hong Kong horse racing industry identities, including Mr. Adam Sangster, the son of the late international breeder Robert Sangster and the principal of famous Australian breeding farm Swettenham Stud, as well as Hong Kong Jockey Club Stewards, trainers, council members of the Hong Kong Racehorse Owners Association and other horse owners. Although Mr. Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, was unable to attend the ceremony, he recorded a congratulatory video.

Other prominent figures from the breeding industry in different places also sent congratulatory messages to celebrate the establishment of HKTBA including Mr. Zhang Yuesheng, Chairman of China Horse-owners Alliance (CHOA); Mr. John Messara, former Chairman of Racing Australia, and principal of top Australian breeding farm Arrowfield Stud; Mr. Charles O’Neill, CEO of ITM (Irish Thoroughbred Marketing); Ms. Minty Farquhar, General Manager of GBRI (Great British Racing International); Tattersalls; Mr. David Chester, Sales Director of Magic Millions as well as Mr. Neville Bell, Chairman of Brisbane Racing Club.

Mr. Zhang, Chairman of China Horse-owners Alliance, said in his congratulatory message: “Dear Mr. Ng, I was delighted to hear that you have been appointed as the first Chairman of the Hong Kong Thoroughbred Breeders’ Alliance (HKTBA). On behalf of the China Horse-owners Alliance (CHOA), I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you and your fellow members of the Executive Committee of HKTBA: Mr. David Boehm, Ms. Nicola Chu, Mr. Josiah Ma, Mr. Martin Siu, and Mr. Ian Sham. I believe that the HKTBA will play a very positive role in promoting the development of the horse breeding industry in Hong Kong and even the entire thoroughbred horse industry in China. I look forward to the CHOA having more interactions with your esteemed organization in the future.”

Mr. John Messara, former Chairman of Racing Australia, and principal of top Australian breeding farm Arrowfield Stud, said in his congratulatory message: “Congratulations on the establishment of the Hong Kong Thoroughbred Breeders Alliance. The Alliance will provide a vehicle for thoroughbred breeders in Hong Kong and others interested in breeding thoroughbreds to join together in the quest for knowledge and friendships in the breeding capitals of the world, including Australia. My farm, Arrowfield, would welcome visits from members of the Alliance in the future.”

For any inquiries, please email or visit the HKTBA website at


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The first members of the Executive Committee of HKTBA

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